Wednesday, July 2, 2008

JK Ed Tech IDP

The focus for Jason's technology plan for the next two weeks is to hone his video editing skills using Adobe Premier elements. Already being familiar with video editing Jason is going to focus more on the layering aspects of the program and building a deeper product. Also focusing on adding in titles and making them flow smoothly with the video.

Jason also plans to focus on his PDA by adding to his blog. He will post assignments there and discuss the work he put into them. His TIP plan and product will be an integral part of this.

For the next year Jason will be redesigning websites both for his school and his seminary. Using the seminary as a practice platform he will then carry over what is learned to his school.

Another goal for next year is streamline the professional development process for teachers at his school. He also wants to work on the database access for their network and security settings.

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